Monday, September 10, 2012

Current Connection Notes

What is the authors purpose: To inform about the tragic shooting in Wisconson, on a Sikh Temple.

Does the author accomlish this: Yes, he tells what happened, the effects and what the police plan to do.

What ideas do you agree with: The police were right to shoot him.

What ideas do you dissagree with: The attackers views that this was a justified killing maybe.

What do you understand: This man was crazy.

What do you not understand: Why he ran into a temple and opened fire on people who" looked muslim".

Connections: 9-11 is comming up and since then there have been scattered reports of harassment or attacks on Indian Sikhs, including the killing of an unarmed man in Phoenix.

Book Bucket list

  1.  Bleeding Violet
  2. City of ashes
  3. Hunger Games
  4. Hush,Hush Saga
  5. Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices)
  6. Rot and Ruin
  7. Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days)
  8. Clockwork Angel
  9. Harry Potter series
  10. Tilt